Proposal regarding purchase of batteries in Govt. Sr. Secondary and Govt. High Schools
अगर आपके स्कूल में Edusat का UPS ठीक है लेकिन बैटरी डेड है या उसका बैकअप कम है तो हरियाणा सरकार द्वारा जारी किये गये इस पत्र से आप उठा सकते हैं पूरा फायदा Click Here for Haryana Government Order
Specs, for the BTY batteries? Lol. "Up to 3000mAh capacity!" or something is as good as you're going to find. I'd note that 3000mAh is greater than the highest "honest" batteries out there, the Eneloop Pros, at 2550mAh.Radio batteries
Specs, for the BTY batteries? Lol. "Up to 3000mAh capacity!" or something is as good as you're going to find. I'd note that 3000mAh is greater than the highest "honest" batteries out there, the Eneloop Pros, at 2550mAh.Radio batteries